The truth about youtube videos on elevator shoes....

lundi 13 janvier 2020

Watching youtube vlogs, I’ve noticed that there are a handful of videos with users trying height increasing shoes / elevator shoes for the first time.

To be honest though, as much as I appreciate generating more awareness and the generally positive conclusions most of the videos come to, I think it’s also important to take a few moments and address a few factors that most of the videos miss.

In most cases, the videos involve fairly young, “gen z” wearers, who already obviously have the confidence to be constantly in front of a camera as a media personality, who are typically giving their conclusions on elevator shoes after wearing the shoes for no more than a day.

I’d like to quickly address those 3 factors.


1)      Make no mistake, Gen Z buyers make up a sizable percentage of our buyers—but by no means the majority.  That being the case, it’s unfortunate that there aren’t more opportunities for viewers to get different perspectives from wearers in a different age bracket or in a different phase of their lives.  To be honest, from our feedback, hearing from men in their mid 30s who may have had very negative experiences with initial rejection due to their height, now being able to approach women in social settings with confidence for the first time in literally decades, has made for some incredibly moving thank you letters.  For that matter, as we mentioned in our last post, hearing from husbands who were able to get the boost they needed on their wedding day to stand to-to-toe with their wives (in heels) is also an experience that many younger videos may not necessarily cover or consider.  Lastly, most of the youngest videos I’ve seen generally don’t touch on the use of the extra height in the corporate world, or any of the prejudices and glass ceilings that can come from being at a height disadvantage (or, for that matter, the extra advantages that can come from using the shoes to reach well above average height). 

2)      It might seem to go without saying, but the young people making most of these videos are typically going to be extraverts by nature, seeing as they’re presenting themselves to the world constantly as a “youtube personality.”  That takes incredible courage and confidence, but many of us are more reserved, less loud, more introverted, and generally less “larger than life” on a day to day basis.  For that matter, we also generally aren’t having someone following us around with a camera, to make everyone we talk to relate to us differently than they in “real life” when we’re not made to look like celebrities.

For many of us, in real life, without being in a position to absolutely bowl people over with a larger than life media personality, we have to rely more on our fashion, looks, style and overall presence to impact the first impression that many people will have on us; and in those cases, additional height can have a substantial impact in taking control of the narrative. 

3)      Lastly, and perhaps most challengingly, is the issue of time constraint.  Most videos I’ve seen are coming from users who have taken some kind of “24 hour challenge” or, at most, worn the shoes for a week.

While that’s definitely a good start, and might have been an eye-opening experience, the real differences start to shine through over weeks, months, and beyond.   In those moments where you forget you’re even wearing them, and you take your confidence almost for granted as you approach women that you might have never spoken to previously; when you look your boss in the eye when you ask them for a raise; when they simply become a part of your persona, exactly the same way that a woman might choose to put on a push-up bra or make-up every morning.    It stops being a matter of confidence, and starts just being another part of how you choose to present yourself to the world.

All that said, it’s great to see more awareness out there about our industry.  Of course, the easiest way to answer any questions you might have about height increasing shoes is simply to ask us directly!  We always encourage you to email or call us with any questions you might have—we’re happy to help!

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